15 Nov 2018 //

#IKNOWICARE Communication Plan Competition!

Do you know One Health? Join this competition and to make One Health echoing across the Nation!


INDOHUN wants you to make One Health has a good positioning among Indonesian people, and this needs to be done because One Health is not a common term in our society. Participants need to build a good communication plan in order to make One Health as an approach/term that easily understood, gain wider awareness, and believed as an important thing that need to be conceived by the community. (further info on One Health, please access www.indohun.org)


The Rules

  1. This competition is open to individuals and groups around the world.
  2. The participants should make a comprehensive Communication strategy to promote One Health in creative and innovative way
  3. The campaign/communication strategy should be submitted in Indonesian language, with the exception for international submissions are allowed to use English.
  4. The target of the campaign is GENERAL AUDIENCE/PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY, not only people from health sectors.
  5. In their Communication strategy, participants should be detail about the big idea of their communication plan/campaign. (5W1H)
  6. The participants should attach the forecasted budget to apply their strategy in the real context, determined the media/platform that will be used, timeline of the campaign, and any other technical details.
  7. Adding design materials and any other visualization of the strategy, will be a great value to win the competition.
  8. Participants should make their Communication strategy in PDF, with good presentation and understandable explanation.
  9. The participants only allowed to make their Communication Strategy in 10 pages (max).
  10. There will be 5 finalists who need to present their Communication Strategy (in PPT format) to the panel of judges. (Presentation will be held in Jakarta/Depok)
  11. There are several focuses that could be emphasized as important topics of One Health; Antibiotic Microbial Resistence, zoonotic disease, and Emerging Infectious Disease.
  12. The file of Communication Strategy should be submitted to nco@indohun.org. The deadline will be on December 13th, 2018 (before midnight), using subject: #IKNOWICARE COMM STRATEGY NAME OF THE TEAM.


Important Notes:

  1. All the campaign that has been compiled will be INDOHUN’s property. Selected entries will be carried through as INDOHUN’s future campaign.
  2. The competition will be documented and registered, then will be send to the One Health Commission as Indonesia’s to be featured in international event listing.
  3. This event serves a platform to promote INDOHUN’s programs even further, specifically catering the young audience.



  • First Winner        : IDR 1.500.000
  • Second Winner    : IDR 1.000.000
  • Third Winner        : IDR 500.000

All three winners will also have the chance to get the free access to attend Global Health True Leaders or Global Health Diplomacy Training