Welcome to One Health Workforce Next Generation (OHW-NG) Project
The rise in global health issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, has highlighted the urgent requirement for a competent One Health Workforce (OHW). Addressing global health concerns necessitates a workforce with strong technical skills and competencies, as well as the ability to collaborate across different industries and disciplines. The One Health (OH) approach is an established solution for addressing global health issues, but implementing it effectively remains difficult in several fields and areas of study. The lack of efficient coordination, OH infrastructure, and stakeholders’ ability to dedicate resources to multidisciplinary training and engagement has impeded the progress of the OH workforce.
Furthermore, the rapid increase in the human and livestock populations, extensive urbanization, alterations in agricultural practices, widespread deforestation, shifts in ecosystems, and the global trade of animals and animal products have all contributed to the global emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases. Humans, animals, and their ecosystems closely intertwine with these diseases. USAID initiated the One Health Workforce (OHW) and One Health Workforce Next Generation (OHW-NG) projects, which focus on three main areas: multi-sectoral engagement, education and training, and institutional strengthening. The OHW-NG project's objective is to improve the capacity of regional One Health University Networks and their member universities to facilitate workforce development by providing education and training opportunities.
Since 2019, the OHW/OHW-NG projects have been implemented on two continents: in Africa (One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA), which has since broadened to the Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN), and Asia (Southeast One Health University Network), and one of the collaborative partners is Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN). INDOHUN is a university association that aims to promote multi-disciplinary collaboration in Indonesia's human, animal, and environmental health sectors. The main activities of INDOHUN include building the capacity of the national One Health Workforce, which includes students, professionals, and government employees. This is achieved through training, research, and cross-sector policy advocacy. The goal is to coordinate, collaborate, and communicate to overcome EID (emerging infectious disease) and Zoonotic Disease problems in Indonesia using the OH approach.
INDOHUN has compiled indicators to measure the progress of the programs implemented to attain these aims. The ability of participants to demonstrate the intended values and skills throughout the program determines the success of an activity. Participants' ability to apply these values and competencies in their engagement with INDOHUN's activities and programs demonstrates their mastery and reflects on the program’s performance. INDOHUN wished to perform a tracer study to evaluate the quality of activities through various indicators, such as the length of time to get a job, the suitability of the work within the field of science, and a competency assessment of participants by the leadership in their graduate work.
The primary goal of this tracer study was to assess the impact of the training on pre-service participants' job search efforts. This study also involved assessing the knowledge and values that participants have acquired from previous activities, as well as gathering feedback on their satisfaction levels with the training and activities, including the continuity of the intended cascade trainings within the Training of Trainers model. It also aimed to explore user and employer satisfaction with the competencies possessed by participants while in the work field, especially for in-service participants. In addition, it aims to assess the impact of the activities on curriculum improvement, institutional development, alumni engagement, and the effectiveness of communication related to INDOHUN. The results of this tracer study are expected to provide input and establish an evaluation baseline for the future development of INDOHUN's programs and activities.
The training series aimed to instill the attendees with several skills, most notably the OH concept, both theoretical and practical. INDOHUN intended to examine the impact of such activities on the trainees’ capacity building, which is the basis for the Tracer Study inquiries. To assess the impact of INDOHUN training and activities, this Tracer Study employs four core variables, which are:
For these past 5 years, INDOHUN has conducted several flagship programs to the targeted beneficiaries, which consist of academicians and young professionals in health-related fields. The training and activities are:
- Educational Training
- OH-SMART Tools Training
- OH Young Leaders
- OHCC Activities
- OHSC (One Health Student Club)
This study will utilize a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) approach, which means that the data collection employs a quantitative study using questionnaires with pre-constructed series of variables and questions, which will be augmented with a qualitative in-depth interview. The questionnaire data will be primarily collected online. The study respondents are the alumni from all prior INDOHUN activities (from 2019-2023). Regarding exclusion criteria, the study will exclude the alumni who have attended a training beyond the last five years. The participant will sign the informed consent before filling out the questionnaire. The questionnaire’s link will be shared with all participants through participants’ emails. To validate the participant’s information, INDOHUN will contact alumni who have been randomly selected to fill the questionnaire. This survey was conducted on 5 - 26 July 2024.
After the quantitative study, the qualitative research was conducted. The respondent was selected through targeted sampling. The sample included the training alumni who have filled out the quantitative questionnaire. The employer will be invited to participate in an in-depth interview conducted by an INDOHUN staff person. This qualitative research was conducted on 12 - 30 August 2024.
There was a validation test for the questionnaire before it was shared with the respondents, which was conducted with 3-4 people. The questionnaire was transformed into a Survey Monkey online form and shared through the respondent’s email.
The data will be represented as a tracer study report that helps us demonstrate the impact of the activities on curriculum improvement, institutional development, alumni engagement, and the effectiveness of communication related to INDOHUN. In addition, the qualitative data will illustrate or complement the quantitative data analysis. The results of this tracer study will provide input and establish an evaluation baseline for the future development of INDOHUN's programs and activities.
The first part of the result examines the background of respondents, which will be used as a basis for the correlation or Explorative Statistical Analysis. The significance of this analysis is to understand the social characteristics of the respondents. The understanding of the social characteristics will then be applied both as a central analysis and as a basis for the crosstabulation for other variables.
Respondent’s area of domicile varies from all areas in Indonesia as well as the ones living overseas. The statistics show the current domiciles for the surveyed respondents as of July 2024, which is when the survey was conducted. As an additional piece of information, the divisions of the region are based on the ISO 3166-2:ID - the entry for Indonesia in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) - which defines the country into 7 different regions.
Most respondents (53.8%) live in the Java region, followed by Sumatra as the second region (16.7%). Bali & Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Papua regions follow at the percentages of 10.3%, 7%, 4.7% and 2.2% respectively. Meanwhile, only 1.1% of respondents lived abroad. There were 4.2% of respondents who stated that they lived in the Maluku region, which will be one of the areas added as an option in a future tracer study. Based on this data, we can continue to encourage an increase in the number of trainings and activities carried out by INDOHUN outside of Java and Sumatra.
Females made up 59.1% of the respondents, while males made up 40.9%. However, the difference is not significant, and they share a balanced ratio. The respondent’s age group varies. years. This is followed by the 25- to 34-year-old group, and then by respondents who are less than 24 years old, which includes university students who joined the INDOHUN activities. The lowest percentage of respondents are between the ages of 50 and 64.
Based on their most recent educational background, the majority of respondents completed their bachelor's degree. The second group with the highest percentage had a master's degree as their highest level of education. 10.6% of the respondents have completed their doctoral degree. 3.6% have completed their senior year of high school, and none of them have only graduated from junior high or elementary school as their highest level of education. Only 0.6% of respondents have completed in-service or continuing education professional training.
The respondents in the One Health area come from various fields, including human health, animal health, environmental health, social sciences, pharmacy, and others. According to the survey results, the majority of respondents came from the human health field (39.7%). Animal health was the second most important (24.5%) of all the respondents, followed by environmental health (14.6%) and public health (9.4%). Only 3.3% of the respondents were in the social sciences, and 1.65% were in the pharmacy field. Later, we discovered that the remaining individuals, approximately 6.9%, were employed in various sectors such as engineering, education, chemistry, and others.
The INDOHUN 2024 tracer study classified activities and training into six categories: educational/workshop/capacity building training, OH-SMART tools training,and OH Young Leaders. Some of the respondents chose the “Other” option if they joined a different type of event. Most respondents had the option to participate in educational, workshop, or capacity training activities, covering a variety of topics related to One Health. Then, activities such as OHSC, OHCC activities, and OH Young Leaders were attended by approximately the same number, namely: 15.32%, 15.42%, and 12.53%, respectively. Several other activities, such as OH-SMART Tools Training were attended by 7.52% of respondents. Respondents also participated in SEAOHUN competition activities that was considered as “others”.
Information on the respondents' motivation for participating in INDOHUN-organized events is also quite significant. The participants express their desire to enhance their skills and abilities through their involvement in INDOHUN training and activities. Furthermore, their coworkers or friends influenced a significant number of participants to engage in these activities. A significant portion of the respondents, 54.9% to be precise, expressed their interest in staying up -to-date on the latest issues pertaining to One Health. Many participants took part in activities organized by INDOHUN as a requirement from their respective institutions. Respondents also expressed motivations, such as gaining a basic understanding of the One Health concept (7.5%) and expanding their knowledge beyond their area of expertise as part of their institution’s assignment (30.9%) while also following their friends’ example of building their professional networks (66.3%).
The initial evaluation of INDOHUN conducted by graduates will focus on the employability component. This feature is beneficial for assessing the students' ability to obtain work and advance their professional careers following an INDOHUN training. Employers are being questioned in this tracer research to validate the extent to which the training is enhancing a participant's performance in the workplace. This tracer study collected data on various parameters from the respondents, including their employment status, the type of institution they worked for, and their employment profile based on age range, gender, domicile area, highest level of education, and their One Health domain. In addition, there is an evaluation by former students to determine the importance and value of INDOHUN training for their professional development and connections. This assessment is rated on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 indicating no relevance and 4 indicating the highest level of relevance. The results obtained from the participants are also displayed with other associations related to scientific discipline and gender.
Details on the respondents' employment status—are they employed or not—are shown in Figure 2.6. According to the statistics, 82.2% of the respondents were employed, while 17.8% reported being unemployed. According to statistics from respondents who reported not working, the primary reasons for their unemployment were that they were currently pursuing studies (42.9%) or awaiting recruitment results (16.5%). The respondents attributed their absence of employment to several factors, including the limited career opportunities in scientific fields (13.2%), the difficulty in accessing recruiting information (8.8%), and the low number of jobs in their local area (9.9%). Moreover, a portion of the participants who were unemployed said that 2.2% cited health difficulties and 6.6% cited family matters as the causes for their unemployment.
Afterwards, gender-related employment data is provided, indicating that women represented the majority of both employed and unemployed respondents. However, the disparity between males and females is more pronounced in the unemployed group. Between employed and unemployed respondents, age distribution differs significantly. The majority of employed respondents were between the ages of 35 and 49, with the second highest group being those aged 25 and 34. The proportion of respondents who are between 24 and 50-64 years old is 11.7% and 12.7%, respectively. Among the unemployed group, the <24-year-olds dominated the percentage of respondents. Subsequently, the 25-34 years old age group accounted for 29.7% of the total, while the 35-49 years age group contributed 10.9%. A marginal proportion of 1.6% was derived from the 50-64 years age group. The younger age group of respondents under 24 years old primarily contributes to the high unemployment rate following INDOHUN trainings. Respondents provide numerous reasons for not currently working; notably, many continue to engage in the educational process.
The data presented in Figure 2.9 is the correlation between employment and domicile area; this is in line with the respondent profile, which is predominantly people from the Java area. Additionally, the percentages between the two groups, including employed and unemployed, in their area of domicile.
Figure 2.10 presents data in the form of a correlation between last education and employment. When correlated with the last level of education in the employed group, the number of respondents with bachelor's and master's degrees is approximately the same. Then followed the group who had a doctoral educational background. Only a few of the respondents had completed secondary school education and had received service and professional training. In the unemployed group, as many as 67.2% of respondents had a bachelor's degree. The same proportion belongs to groups with master's and high school educational backgrounds. Apart from that, only a few of the respondents from the final doctoral education group were unemployed.
Within the dataset that examines the relationship between the One Health area and employment of the participants, a clear trend emerges (Figure 2.11). The proportion of respondents with expertise in human health is significantly higher than those from other scientific disciplines, indicating their dominance in both groups. This pattern aligns with the larger number of respondents with a background in human health compared to other fields. The animal health disciplines account for 23.8% of the total, while environmental health makes up 18.7%. The proportions from other fields, namely public health, social sciences, and pharmacy, are 9.4%, 3.1%, and 1.7%, respectively. An intriguing trend emerges when comparing the unemployed groups. While the second largest group is primarily composed of individuals with a scientific background in human and animal health, who make up a significant portion of all respondents, the third largest group consists of respondents who selected the "other" option, accounting for 15.7%. Nevertheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that this proportion pertains just to the subset of those who are jobless, hence it does not accurately reflect the entire population. Otherwise, significant percentages pertain to the domains of environmental health, public health, social science, and pharmacy.
The initial results of the survey indicate that the majority of INDOHUN trainees are employed, representing about 82,2% of the total respondents (Figure 2.6). The starting time of employment of the respondents shows that most of them were already employed before they participated in any INDOHUN training or activity (66.1%). Most of the employed respondents shared that they were full-time employees (79%). Some respondents answered that their employment status is part-time (8.5%), employed in more than one job (8.1%), self-employed (2.4%), or work as consultants or freelancers (2%). Meanwhile, based on the specialization of the respondents' work, the majority work in health-related jobs (92.5%) (Figure 2.14).
As observed in Figure 2.15, based on the type of institution where they work, the number of respondents is dominated by people who work in the public sector and local government, namely: 40.6% and 31.4%. This was followed by respondents who worked in the private sector (19.7%), NGOs (4.9%), international organizations (1.4%), and self-employed/those working as consultants (2.3%). None of the respondents worked in donor organizations.
Most of the respondents agree that their training is very relevant to their current job (47.1%), and the other 18.3% of respondents think that their training is related to their current job but is not completely aligned. While 24.4% of respondents said that the training is a little related to their job, 10.2% of respondents said that their training is irrelevant to their job. Meanwhile, the relevance of the training based on gender: female respondents more often agreed that their training is very relevant to their current job. However, on the other hand, female respondents indicated a slightly higher percentage than male respondents that their training was irrelevant to their job.
Respondents with a background in animal health, when assessed according to the One Health domain, expressed that the training they received was very applicable to their present occupation (Figure 2.18). Subsequently, a discovery was made indicating that almost 30% of those surveyed, who had backgrounds in social sciences and other fields, believed that the training they had did not apply to their present occupation. This outcome is predictable given that INDOHUN's training is specifically targeted towards the health sector. However, it is important to acknowledge the potential for future expansion of the training programs to encompass a more comprehensive approach to the health sector, such as including perspectives from the field of social sciences. In addition, a significant majority of respondents (94.6%) believe that INDOHUN training has contributed to their present career (Figure 2.19).
As observed in Figure 2.20, among all participants, 24% of male respondents found the INDOHUN training or networking assistance to be highly beneficial in their job search. Out of the male respondents, 41.8% found the training to be useful. Additionally, 19.9% of male respondents found the training moderately helpful, while 14.4% found it not helpful at all. Among the female respondents, 28.2% found the training to be highly beneficial, which is higher than the percentage in the male group. The proportion of female respondents who found the training to be beneficial was 37%. In addition, 25% of the female respondents found the training moderately beneficial, while 9.7% did not find it helpful at all.
Alumni's assessment of the INDOHUN activities they participated in will be discussed in several aspects below, including correlation between training and job performance, evaluation of training/activities, the relationship between training and employment, level of satisfaction with training/activities, contribution of training to employment, and career development. These aspects are assessed by alumni on a scale of 1–4, with 1 indicating the least emphasis (least felt) and 4 indicating the greatest emphasis (most felt). There is one aspect, namely career development, which will be assessed on a scale of 1–5, where 1 indicates the worst/least perceived quality and 5 indicates the best/most perceived quality.
The first element that we aimed to evaluate was the correlation between training and work performance. A significant proportion of respondents, namely 29.9%, believed that the training they received greatly contributed to their job performance. A majority of respondents (53.5%) believed that their training significantly contributed to their work performance, while a smaller percentage thought that the training had a minor impact (15.2%), and a few respondents believed that the training had no influence (1.4%) (Figure 2.21).
The correlation between training and job performance
The second aspect evaluated was the training or activity, which encompasses the quality of the venue or online platform used, the learning materials, the trainers' quality, the participants' opportunities to actively engage in the activities or consultation, the curriculum's quality, interdisciplinary learning, and adaptability. On average, most of the evaluated components received a rating of approximately 3 on the scale. A significant number of respondents rank these components as good or very good, with a rating of 3 or 4. The detail of statistic data is presented in attachment 1.
The third aspect assessed was the correlation between the training or activity and employment. This includes the effectiveness of the training in preparing individuals for work, the relevance of the teaching content to practical requirements and practical experiences, the connection between theory and practice, and the level of support provided for employment or job search. On average, most of the assessed components obtained a rating over 3 on the scale, except for one component, which has an average rating of 2.94. This component pertains to the evaluation of training or activities aimed at supporting employment or job hunting. This highlights the importance of INDOHUN trainings to focus on, streamline or assist the process of job hunting. Nevertheless, a considerable proportion of participants rated these elements favorably, assigning them a grade of 3 or 4, indicating their quality as good or very good. The detail of statistic data is presented in attachment 1.
The fourth factor evaluated is the adequacy of the training or activity. This encompasses the point to which the trainings have equipped the respondents for their work, enhanced their effectiveness in their employment, and facilitated their capacity to change to a different job within their area of expertise. Typically, most of the evaluated elements have a rating above 3 on the scale, with the exception of one element that has an average rating of 2.98. This specific component relates to the assessment of training or activities designed to facilitate career transitions within a given field of expertise. However, a significant number of participants highly rank these features, giving them a score of 3 or 4, marking their quality as outstanding or excellent. The detail of statistic data is presented in attachment 1.
Following that, we attempted to evaluate the impact of INDOHUN training/activities on enhancing the trainee's soft skills, encompassing organizational skills, problem-solving abilities, leadership aptitude, self-reliance, ingenuity, negotiation proficiency, teamwork, time management, initiative, decision-making capabilities, interpersonal skills, and capacity to perform under pressure. Additionally, we assessed the trainee's hard skills, specifically writing skills and technical expertise. Generally, the assessed components have a value higher than 3 on the scale. A considerable proportion of participants consistently rated these traits with a score of 3 or 4, indicating their exceptional or superior quality. However, around 50% of the respondents expressed that the trainings and activities had a somewhat positive impact, motivating us to enhance our contributions to benefit the participants.
The tracer study also investigated improvements in work performance and career advancement following participation in the INDOHUN trainings and activities. This component was evaluated on a scale ranging from 1 to 5, where a score of 1 indicates no progress and a score of 5 represents a significant improvement. The respondents' average judgment exceeded a score of 3 on the scale. When considering the percentage of respondents, most of them reported experiencing significant and extremely significant improvements, while a smaller number believed they had moderate improvements.
INDOHUN offers a diverse range of curricula encompassing all forms of training and activities. These curricula aim to give participants the necessary assistance to effectively carry out their work. According to the collected data, all participants in the INDOHUN training/activities have evaluated the curriculum positively, with a minimum of 70% agreement and a maximum of 90% agreement. The highest percentage of agreement -- 90% -- was from participants who found the curriculum provided by the One Health Student Club (OHSC) to be useful in their professional careers.
The last thing that was examined in the program assessment was whether the participants encountered any obstacles during the program and whether they would recommend INDOHUN trainings/activities. In Figure 2.28, a total of 88.98% of participants reported no difficulties encountered throughout the session. Some individuals who reported experiencing problems expressed that they faced challenges in engaging in activities due to conflicts in their schedules. Furthermore, a number of participants reported that language limitations were a significant challenge. Meanwhile, as seen in Figure 2.29, 84.30% of the participants recommended INDOHUN trainings/activities and provided suggestions, including their desire for INDOHUN to enhance involvement through a wider range of accessible activities.
The communication assessment is an additional variable to examine the most efficient way of reaching out the training attendees for advertising INDOHUN training and activities. The results can help INDOHUN understand better ways to disseminate their activities. However, this additional variable will not be a basis for examining the effectiveness of the training nor the capacity building. The analysis will use descriptive pie charts to examine the issue.
The pie chart in Figure 2.30 depicts that those who often or occasionally visit the INDOHUN website is 12.8% and 59.1%, respectively. Only 2% of respondents routinely accessed the INDOHUN website during the past 12 months. Additionally, the data reveals that 26.2 percent of the respondents have never visited the INDOHUN website. This suggests that INDOHUN may want to make their website more interactive and relevant as an access point for timely notifications and active engagement to increase website use.
As seen in Figure 2.31, only 20.6% of respondents follow the INDOHUN Facebook page and 79.4% do not follow the INDOHUN Facebook page. The reason may be because the percentage of respondents who never and sometimes (or less often) used Facebook was 33.2% and 36.5%, which exceeds more than half of the total respondents, so most of those surveyed were not Facebook users. Data shows that only 15.6% of respondents used Facebook every day. The groups that used Facebook more than once a week or less than once a week are only 9.5% and 5.3%, respectively.
According to our respondents, 44.9% and 40.7% of them used Facebook to look for popular topics and up-to-date news. Facebook is used for entertainment by 35.5% of the respondents. The remaining 25.1% are actively pursuing new interests. Only 16.4% and 12% of users utilize Facebook for the purpose of sharing general information and personal details, respectively. Furthermore, 22% of participants utilize Facebook for various purposes, including online shopping, while most respondents who chose the “other” option indicated that they have ceased using Facebook altogether (Figure 2.32).
According to Figure 2.33, the majority of respondents (54.6%) prefer to see images with short captions as the type of post on Facebook when they are looking for information. Some respondents (34,9%) prefer a single image with detailed and informative captions, while others (30,8%) prefer videos. Only 23% of respondents prefer to have a Facebook story. In contrast, 15.5% of respondents answered that they do not use Facebook any longer.
This data suggests that over 70% of respondents follow the INDOHUN official Instagram, while 26.7% do not. In contrast to Facebook, respondents still actively use Instagram. In fact, 66.3% of respondents use Instagram every day, which is a significant percentage. The groups that use Instagram more than once a week and less than once a week are 12.5% and 3.6%, respectively.
On the other hand, 15.3% of respondents reported using Instagram occasionally. Data shows that only 2.2% of respondents never use Instagram.
As seen below in Figure 2.34, according to the respondents’ answers, most of them (74.5%) use Instagram for searching for trending issues. While the second and third most common Instagram activities include browsing for current news and entertainment purposes (61.8% and 64%, respectively), 48.5% of respondents use Instagram to explore new interests. Few participants reported either actively posting information (28.5%) or sharing personal experiences (22.2%). The remaining 6.7% of respondents stated that they use Instagram for seeking opportunities, photography, traveling, and seeing friends’ postings.
As observed in Figure 2.35, approximately 68.5% of the participants prefer to see numerous images accompanied by brief captions. Meanwhile, quite a few of participants, precisely 56.9% and 51.1%, favor videos and Instagram stories as their preferred media format for sharing information in Instagram posts. Furthermore, a significant proportion of participants, precisely 45.4%, indicated their preference for Instagram posts that have a single image accompanied by a long informative description. In contrast, a mere 2.8% of participants indicated a preference for alternative formats, suggesting that they infrequently engage in posting on Instagram.
An interesting finding from Figure 2.37 reveals that the respondents who participated in the INDOHUN training or activity primarily obtained information about these activities from universities or faculties, accounting for 39.9% of all respondents. In addition, 33.2% of the respondents relied on information they received from colleagues or friends.
According to Figure 2.37, in terms of online information distribution, Instagram is in first place, at 30.2%, followed by email at 26.9%. Furthermore, the distribution of information from the office, Facebook, and the INDOHUN website is relatively consistent, with respective percentages of 17.7%, 15.2%, and 10.5%. Meanwhile, 5.3% of respondents said they knew about this activity from others source such as the Kampus Merdeka program and INDOHUN media partners.
As seen in Figure 2.38, in response to the question, "What kind of media would you consider the best to inform you about INDOHUN activities?" as well as the most used media, there is a pattern where more respondents expect to receive the information via Instagram (72.9%), followed by email (44.3%) and WhatsApp/online (46.5%). Respondents' preferences for information dissemination by the INDOHUN website and university/faculty are 38.2% and 39.9%, respectively. Others also expect to receive information from Facebook (25.8%) and the office (20.5%), and only 3.3% suggest using other social media platforms, such as TikTok.
Regarding the INDOHUN update topics, there is a high need for event-based activities and opportunities, such as workshops and seminars. Approximately 72% of respondents express a need for articles including health-related information. In addition, 55.1% of the participants anticipated receiving details regarding the meeting. Additionally, 28.5% of the participants emphasized the need for documenting organizational actions and accomplishments, whereas 4.7% focused on research and scholarship opportunities.